Admission to university studies of
for the academic year 2021-2022
This section applies for candidates of Romanian descent from the Republic of Moldova, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Ukraine, Hungary and the Diaspora. This includes, in accordance with Government Decision no. 689/1994, as amended and supplemented and the Law. 299/2007, republished, with subsequent amendments:
- people who freely assume the Romanian cultural identity persons of Romanian origin, persons from the Romanian linguistic and cultural area, living outside Romania's borders regardless of how they are denominated (armâni, armânji, aromâni, basarabeni, bucovineni, cuţovlahi, daco-români, fărşeroţi, herţeni, istro-români, latinidunăreni, macedoromâni, macedo-români, maramureşeni, megleniţi, megleno-români, moldoveni, moldovlahi, rrămâni, rumâni, valahi, vlahi, vlasi, volohi, macedo-armânji and all other related forms of the above);
- Romanian emigrants, whether they kept or not the Romanian citizenship, and their descendants;
- Romanian citizens residing abroad.
One condition for receiving this type of scholarship is that the studies to be carried out only into Romanian. Candidates who do not speak Romanian well enough can follow the Romanian preparatory year (the preparatory year is offered under the same financial terms as the program of study for which the candidate was accepted).
Please, note that:
There are two categories of scholarships:
- Total scholarship: No tuition fees, with a monthly grant
- Partial scholarship: No tuition fees, with no monthly grant
- The Romanian Government approves annually by Government Decision the number of students and the number of total or partial scholarships covered from the budget of the ministry.
- It is also possible to apply under this program as a self-funded student, in which case the tuition fee will be the same as for Romanian citizens.
Registration period:
- Bachelor studies:
- All the study programs except Veterinary Medicine: July 5-23, 2021
- b) Veterinary medicine:
- Romanian language section: July 5-21, 2021
- English language section: July 1-16, 2021
- French language section: July 1-16, 2021
- Master studies::
- All the study programs: June 28 – July 17, 2021
Application file:
Every candidate must prepare a set of documents which includes:
- Application form – for Bachelor/Master/PhD studies;
- Certificate of birth - legalized photocopy and translation (English or Romanian);
- Passport – photocopy;
- Proof of legal name change, if applicable – photocopy;
- Statutory declaration, based on the freely expressed will, to assume the Romanian cultural identity, according to the legislation in force;
- Copy of the graduation degree (translated into Romanian or an international language) as follows:
- High school/ Baccalaureate degree or equivalent (for Bachelor studies);
- Bachelor degree or equivalent (for Master studies);
- Master degree or equivalent (for PhD studies);
- Transcript of records for high-school, bachelor and master studies - copy and certified translation (in original) in Romanian for the documents issued in other languages;
- Certificate of Health;
- Certificate of linguistic competence for Romanian language;
- Statement of Truth - in which the candidate declares that he/she does not have a Romanian identity document and that he/she does not have a permanent residence in Romania.
Admission steps:
The admission file needs to be submitted at the International Relations Office of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 59 Mărăşti Boulevard, District 1, Bucharest, 011464 or by email at: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..
The application file is sent by the candidate with his/her full assumption regarding the authenticity and correspondence between the digital and the original documents, keeping one option for a single study program.
The final results of the admission contest are displayed on the USAMVB website on 31.07.2021 and include the List of candidates in the order of the average competition, by categories of places.
Every admitted candidate shall confirm his/her place of study by sending the Confirmation form by e-mail until August 3rd, 2021.
- Bachelor / Master: at the Secretary Office of the faculty that coordinates the study program chosen by the candidate and for which he/she has obtained the Certificate of recognition of studies.
- PhD: at the Secretary Office of the Doctoral School after the Certificate of Recognition of Studies had been issued.
- The candidate must submit the complete application file, the list of documents and specifications regarding the entrance exam for doctoral studies in the following attached link:
There are no fees for enrolling in studies and processing the admission file!
Language requirements:
- all the study programs are conducted into Romanian language for the Citizens of Romanian Origin (Români de pretutindeni);
- in accordance to the Romanian legislation, Citizens of Romanian Origin will be registered at the University following to the graduating of the Romanian language preparatory year or on the basis of a Certificate of Romanian language skills;
- the length of the Romanian language preparatory course for:
- Bachelor: 1 academic year;
- Master/PhD/Post-graduate: 6 months;
- the candidates proving by means of documents (diplomas, certificates, study documents and transcript of records) at least four successive years studied in Romanian language in a Romanian institution or owning a Certificate of Linguistic Competence (minimum B2 level) issued by the Romanian Language Institute are to be exempt from the requirement to submit the certificate of graduation from the preparatory year.
The Admission Committee responsible for managing the application files and carrying out all the issues related to the admission consists of:
- Ecaterina Ștefan PhD - Head of International Relations Office
- Cristiana Grosu - Responsible for foreign students
Download the documents from here:
- Application form for Bachelor studies
- Application form for Master studies
- Application form for PhD studies
- Statutory declaration
- Statement of Truth
- Confirmation form
- Approval form of the supervisor