    University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMV) is the oldest and largest institution of higher agronomic education in Romania, founded in 1852, where the tradition and modernity successfully meet. Our university provides BSc, MSc and PhD education and scientific research activities in order to train top specialists whose competences meet the demands of the labor market in the fundamental fields of "Engineering Sciences" and "Biological and biomedical sciences".
    "جامعة للحياة والزراعة من خلال التعليم والبحث عالي الجودة"
    بحث علمي
    Belciugatele research station Moara
    Domnească development
    Viticulture and winemaking research and development
    Nursery and fruit farm
    International Conference Agriculture for life, life for agriculture<
    10th GCHERA World Conference 25th-26th of April 2019




    اتصل بنا


    جـامـعـة العــلوم الزراعــيــة والطــب البــيــطــري فــي بــوخــارســت
    59 Mărăşti Boulevard, District 1
    Bucharest, 011464

    الهاتف: 0040(21).318.22.66

    الفاكس: 0040(21).318.28.88

    لبريد الإلكتروني: post@info.usamv.ro


    الاتصال الإداري


    عرض UASMV


    Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară

    جـامـعـة العــلوم الزراعــيــة والطــب البــيــطــري فــي بــوخــارســت © 2017