студенческой жизни

    Location: Southern Romania

    First documented: 1459 AD

    Population: 1.921 milion (2014)

    Known for its wide, tree-lined boulevards, glorious Belle Époque buildings and a reputation for the high life (which in the 1900s earned its nickname of “Little Paris”), București, Romania’s largest city and capital, is today a bustling metropolis.

    Bucharest offers more than 40 museums and Romania has the second largest outdoor museum in the world, Astra Museum in Sibiu.

    City highlights

    • Theaters: Bucharest National Theatre, Bulandra, Notarra, Metropolis, Odeon etc.
    • Classical music: Romanian National Opera, Romanian Athenaeum etc.
    • Historical sights: Parliament Palace, The Royal Palace, The Arch of Triumph, Historical center etc.
    • Cinemas, concerts, festivals

    Romania is one of the the safest countries in Europe and it has over 210 sunny days per year.

    Also, Romania is the home of 7 UNESCO world heritage sites, known for:

    Agronomie-Herăstrău Campus

    In Agronomie-Herăstrău Campus, with an area of 39 hectars near the omonime famous Bucharest park, there are located six of the seven faculties: Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Sciences, Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering, Biotechnologies and Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development.

    The campus also includes experimental teaching fields (for viticulture, fruit and vegetable), a Research Centre for the study of food product quality and greenhouse-Hortinvest, an Arboretum, a Botanical garden, sports grounds and dormitories for over 4000 persons, modernized and fully equipped, where students have the opportunity to stay while studying.

    Meals are provided by the Agronomie catering Complex where the Cafeteria, Rustic and Ceres restaurants are located.

    The Central Library has an impressive collection of books comprising encyclopedic collections and a wide range of journals and other scientific publications. The sports complex is made up of an Olympic-size polyvalent gym, a fitness room, several football and tennis fields and a court.

    Veterinară Cotroceni Campus

    The Veterinară Cotroceni Campus, with an area of 6.5 hectares, is located in the district bearing the same name, in the center of Bucharest, close to the Palace of Parliament. This excellent locations facilitates the students` easy access to the cultural institutions in the city.

    In campus there are the buildings of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Institute of Compared Medicine, the faculty`s laboratories and clinics. The University Veterinary Clinic, located in a modern and functional building, has highly effective medical top equipment. It operates on a permanent basis, providing ideal conditions for all the students to acquire the practical skills implied by their future profession.

    Due to the medical act in a very high quality many people from Bucharest are passing everyday the clinic for receiving medical consultations for their pets. In campus, there is a modern and full equipped ormitory which provides accommodation to 200 students. Also, they have the possibility to serve meals in the campus canteen. The campus library has over 180 000 specialized books and a modern study room.

    Accommodation & meals

    USAMV provides accommodation to students in two modern campuses: Agronomie – Herastrau and Veterinary Medicine Cotroceni, where are 11 fully equipped and modern dormitories with all the amenities, from private bathroom, TV, internet connection to private laundry at each dormitory.

    Meals are provided by the Agronomie Catering Complex, the University`s own meal service, using vegetables and fruits grown ecologically at Moara Domneasca research station.

    The Complex also have a Cafeteria and two restaurants, Rustic and Ceres, located in the Agronomie – Herastrau campus, where are organized many events.


    The Central Library has an impressive collection of books comprising encyclopedic collections and a wide range of journals and other scientific publications.

    Cultural and sports activities

    USAMV provides its students with a pleasant environment within the Agronomie-Herăstrău campus. Sports competitions and cultural events are a constant presence in students life in campus, being organized by Agonomia University Sports Centre (Olympic-size polyvalent gym, a fitness room, several football and tennis fields), Cultural Center - EX TERRA AURUM and student associations. Students have the possibility to spend their free time inside the campus, participating in events held outdoor in the Arboretum, Rosary or Botanical Gardens. Also, they are involved in scientific debate groups, clubs, cultural and environment protection activities.