Факультеты и отделения
    2. Faculty of Agriculture
    3. Faculty of Horticulture
    4. Faculty of Animal Productions Engineering and Management
    5. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
    6. Faculty of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering
    7. Faculty of Biotechnologies
    8. Faculty of Management and Rural Development

    Faculties are units operating within USAMV București and are structured into two or three academic departments, as well as research centres and laboratories. Faculties create and develop their educational offer, and manage the programmes of study running in several key areas. Also, faculties organise and run admission competitions for the Bachelor and Master programmes, and manage students’ activity throughout their study. The doctoral students enrolled in the two programmes of USAMV B, together with the postdoctoral students, carry out their scientific activity in the research centres and aboratories of the faculties. Most faculties of our University have separate buildings whose age, architecture, equipment, patrimony, etc. gives them a special touch that can be equally associated with tradition, care for the environment, sense of beauty, respect for a better quality of life, modernism, excellence in science.

    The Faculty of Agriculture was established in 1852 and has a rich national and international experience in teaching and research, as the oldest and most prestigious agronomic higher education institution in Romania.

    The faculty organises and runs Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies, training specialists in the fields of agronomy, forestry and biology. Scientific research is focussed upon the following fields: agriculture, food safety and security, environment, forestry and biology.

    The graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture are trained to meet the demands of the labour market for the following sectors: production, services, scientific research, education, consulting and expertise, agribusiness, ensurance, integrated administration and management of agricultural production, forestry and rural areas.

    Faculty`s Departments:

    • Soil Sciences Department
    • Plant Sciences Department

    Contact Us:

    Address: B-dul Mărăşti, Nr. 59, Sector 1, Cod 011464, Bucureşti

    Phone/Fax: +40 21 318 0466, +40 21 318 2564 - 250

    Phone/Fax Biology (part-time courses): +40 21 318 2564 inner 295

    E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

    E-mail Biology (part-time courses): Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

    Website: www.agro-bucuresti.ro

    The Facultaty of Horticulture was established in 1948, being the oldest specialised higher education institution in Romania. Its main objective is training top specialists in the fields of horticulture and landscaping by both Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programmes, and research activities.

    The faculty has its own modern material resources, three research centres (the Pietroasa research-development centre for vine-cultivation and wine-making, the Istrița fruit-tree nursery and farm, and the Moara Domnească teaching farm), highly-trained teaching staff and partnerships with education and research institutions from Romania and abroad, which ensures the complex, top-quality training process.

    Thus, the competences acquired by the students help them find a job not only in the horticultural production fields (fruit-tree growing, vine-cultivation and wine-making, vegetable growing, floriculture and floral art, ornamental tree growing and landscape architecture) and landscaping (landscape design, development and maintenance) but also in scientific research, education, commerce, public domain management – green areas.

    Faculty`s Departments:

    • Bioengineering of Horticultural and Viticultural Systems Department
    • Landscaping, Biodiversity and Ornamental Horticulture Department

    Contact Us:

    Address: B-dul Mărăşti, Nr. 59, Sector 1, Cod 011464, Bucureşti

    Phone: +40 21 318 3636/p>

    E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

    E-mail Horticulture (distance learning): Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

    Website: www.horticultura-bucuresti.ro

    The Faculty of Animal Productions Engineering and Management was established in 1948 as part of the Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. It underwent subsequent changes until its present status as a faculty within USAMV B..

    Its programmes of study are based on the professional demands of the animal engineer or technician, and trains its future specialists by placing a special focus on the development of their specialist theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as job-required skills.

    The graduates of the Faculty of Animal Science acquire qualifications to meet the labour market demands for the following sectors: administration (central and territorial decision-making bodies, animal breeders’ associations, Milk Quota Administration Department, Animal Selection and Reproduction National Network, agricultural consulting centres), livestock farms, food industry units, forestry (hunting associations, forestry departments, forestry holdings), pisciculture and aquaculture (fisheries, fish product processing units, mixed fodder and fodder additive factories).

    Faculty`s Departments:

    • Formative Sciences in Animal Breeding and Food Industry Department
    • Production and Processing Technologies Department

    Contact Us:

    Address: B-dul Mărăşti, Nr. 59, Sector 1, Cod 011464, Bucureşti

    Phone: +40 21 318 2567

    E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

    Website: igpa.ro

    The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was established in 1861 under the name of School for veterinary education on the initiative of Dr. Carol Davila. At that time, it was unique in the Balkan area.

    The faculty runs long-term – Bachelor – studies in two specialisations: Veterinary medicine and Food control and expertise. The Postgraduate Studies School of Veterinary Medicine runs programmes that train students in four branches of veterinary practice: Clinical medicine and pharmacy, Public hygiene and health, Laboratory diagnosis and Veterinary management.

    Since 2002, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest has been the first Romanian specialist faculty included on the List of faculties evaluated and approved by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE). After graduation, the students of our faculty can become self-employed veterinarians or can find jobs in the following areas of specialisation:

    • As veterinarians in specific accredited public or private structures, to supervise, control and ensure food hygiene and public health, in specialist laboratories;
    • As experts in food quality control in specific accredited public or private structures, to supervise, control and ensure food hygiene and public health, in animal- and plant-based food processing units, in specialist laboratories;
    • As technical engineers in animal – and plant-based food processing units.

    Faculty`s Departments:

    • Preclinical Sciences Department;
    • Clinical Sciences Department;
    • Animal Production and Health;

    Date de contact:

    Address: Splaiul Independenței nr.105, sector 5, cod poștal 050097, București

    Tel/Fax: +40 21 318 0469 / +40 21 318 0498

    E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript., Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

    Website: www.fmvb.ro/social

    In 1970, as a result of the steps taken by Professor Cezar Nicolau, the Faculty of Land Reclamation was established within the Nicolae Bălcescu Agronomic Institute, today the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. The specialisation of Environmental engineering was established in 1990, completing the present name of the faculty.

    Its teaching staff and material resources provide the students with a European level of training in fields demanded on the labour market, which explains the particular interest in the specialisations offered by our faculty.

    The prestige of our faculty has been strengthened by the extensive research carried out in the laboratories grouped under the Centre of excellence in research that operates together with the Project management centre and the UNESCO Department of Integrated rural development, through the participation of its teaching staff as members in national and international professional boards.

    The graduates of the Faculty of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering acquire qualifications to meet the labour market demands, as they are trained to work in the following sectors/institutions: civil engineering – design and execution, environmental agencies, the National Agency of Cadastre and Land Registration, services/cadastre, central and local administration, research and consulting, Real Estate & Business.

    Faculty`s Departments:

    • Environment and Land Reclamation Department;
    • Mathematics, Physics and Measurements Department.

    Contact Us:

    Address: B-dul Mărăşti, Nr. 59, Sector 1, Cod 011464, Bucureşti

    Phone: 0788.252.027

    E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

    Website: www.fifim.ro

    The Faculty of Biotechnologies was established in 1994 and is the only faculty of this type in Romania. Its programmes of study are aimed to train biotechnology engineers in the following specialisations: Agricultural biotechnologies, Industrial biotechnologies and Medical-veterinary biotechnologies.

    The education process develops in lecture halls, laboratories endowed with state-of-the-art equipment and is provided by nationally and internationally renowned teaching staff with vast experience and outstanding teaching and scientific achievements. The research currently performed by the faculty’s teaching staff is completed by two research centres: BIOTEHNOL and BIOTEHGEN.

    The graduates of the faculty acquire qualification to meet the labour market demands, as they are trained to work in the following sectors/institutions: Romanian and European production companies, trade companies, consulting companies, analysis laboratories, expertise and certification in agriculture, veterinary medicine, industry, education and scientific research.

    Faculty`s Departments:

    • Biotechnologies Department;
    • Industrial Biotechnologies Department.

    Contact Us:

    Address: B-dul Mărăşti, Nr. 59, Sector 1, Cod 011464, Bucureşti

    Phone: +40 374 022 802

    E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

    Website: www.biotehnologii.usamv.ro

    We train to lead!

    The Faculty of Management and Rural Development was established in 1992. Its main objective is to provide theoretical and practical information so as to train specialists in the fields of agricultural technologies and economic sciences.

    The faculty operates within the Herăstrău Agronomie Campus and has two branches at Călărași and Slatina. The graduates can find jobs both in agricultural production and related fields/institutions: public and private enterprises, public agricultural administrations, agricultural chambers, tourism and agritourism, scientific research, education, commerce.

    Faculty`s Departments:

    • Management and Marketing Department;
    • Economics, Accounting and Agritourism Department;

    Contact Us:

    Address: B-dul Mărăşti, Nr. 59, Sector 1, Cod 011464, Bucureşti

    Phone/Fax: +40 21 318 0465 / +40 21 318 2888

    Website: www.managusamv.ro